Children and youth of all ages are integral to our life as a community. We provide a loving, multi-generational and inclusive environment where young people can explore the stories and teachings of our faith, ask questions, and figure out what it means to live authentically in the world. We encourage the presence and participation of children and youth in worship, education, music, service and fellowship. We intentionally schedule church school for pre-k through 12th grade during the hour before worship, so that all may attend and participate in the 11am worship service.
Kids can be noisy and wiggly – we believe that the sounds of children in our worship services remind us of Jesus’ call to “let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” If you or your child need to get up and walk around during worship, please do so! To help keep busy hands engaged while experiencing worship, we provide children’s activity bags at the entrances to the Sanctuary.
For families with children under 5 wishing to remain together in the Sanctuary, we have created a child-friendly “Prayground” to the right of the chancel. The Prayground has rocking chairs for parents/guardians, children’s books, and some small toys — all on soft, foam flooring. For those with fussing babies who would like a quiet place to rock or nurse, there is also a “Family Room” in the Lindsay Room across the hall from the Prayground, complete with a crib, changing table, and livestream of the worship service.
We offer free nursery care on the second floor for children from infants to five years old starting at 9:30am. Please bring a labeled bag with diapers, change of clothing, pacifier, bottles, and anything else that will help our staff provide loving care for your child. We also provide rocking chairs at the back of the sanctuary for the comfort of parents who choose to keep their young children with them during worship.